Dopo aver annunciato il titolo ufficiale del tanto atteso sequel di Spider-Man: Homecoming (Far From Home), sono state diffuse online le prime foto ufficiali dal set del film.
Tom Holland was photographed on the "Spider-Man: Far From Home" set! Check out the first photos:
— (@JustJared) July 2, 2018
Casually starting off the week by watching Tom Holland walk onto set where they’re filming the new Spider-Man movie, just around the corner from where I live.
— Sophie Playle (@sophieplayle) July 2, 2018
ついに!ついに!ついに!#SpiderManFarFromHome の
撮影が始まったよーーー!!!— 猫。 (@tomhaz_tomhaz) July 2, 2018
Vi ricordiamo che Spider-Man: Far From Home, pellicola diretta da Jon Watts con protagonista Tom Holland, uscirà nelle sale americane il 5 luglio 2019.