Con l’embargo social appena scaduto ed i pochi giorni restanti all’uscita di Justice League, iniziano ad arrivare le prime reazioni della critica in merito al tanto atteso film targato DC.
I loved Justice League.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 10, 2017
Justice League is not a perfect movie. It has story "flaws" and a simple, CGI villain.
BUT, more importantly, it gets the heroes right. Every member of the League is fantastic and it's tough to choose a favorite.
It's a ton a fun, start to finish.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 10, 2017
Justice League is the super heroes we've been waiting for. Aquaman rocks. Cyborg is bad-ass. The Flash is awesome. Wonder Woman builds from an already great standalone. Batman assembles them and it's great.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 10, 2017
Justice League feels kind of like a re-launch of the DC world in live-action. You walk away wanting more of every hero, including Justice League 2 and standalone films.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 10, 2017
Stay through the credits.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 10, 2017
Justice League is the DC team up you've been waiting for. I had so much fun from beginning to end. The expansion of DC mythology will make fans go nuts. Superman though!
— Nathaniel Brail (@NateBrail) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is a fun blockbuster that is entertaining enough to overcome its flaws. The team works well together to deliver more than a few spectacular superhero moments worth seeing on the big screen.
Maybe not quite what some hoped, but definitely not what many feared.
— Sean Gerber (@MrSeanGerber) November 10, 2017
JUSTICE LEAGUE! It's okay. Narratively it's a mess, the stakes don't work & the villain isn't great. HOWEVER, the heroes ARE great, it's funny, & there's some surprisingly effective character work. I didn't love it, but there are enough good pieces to excite me for the future.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is better than BvS and #SuicideSquad – it's lean, mean & packed w/ superhero action. I dug most of its lighter moments & I think it has one of the best action sequences ever in a DCEU movie. And of course Wonder Woman steals the show.
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) November 10, 2017
Nothing could save JUSTICE LEAGUE from its loud, ugly, tacky self. Not Wonder Woman, not wide-eyed Ezra Miller, not Joss Whedon's quippy teardown & rebuild. And Henry Cavill's mustache is an actual issue; they gave him Uncanny Valley Face. Oof, guys. It's a rough ride
— Josh L. Dickey (@JLDlite) November 10, 2017
The good: #JusticeLeague is my favorite DCEU movie. It will make you love its heroes and want to see them team-up again.
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) November 10, 2017
I have a lot to say about ‘Justice League’ but will wait till it’s released to really get into it. But two important things to know: stay till the very end of the credits and Jason Momoa (@PrideofGypsies) is awesome as Aquaman.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is good!
(And I can finally talk about it!)
Wonder Woman is wonderful, Aquaman is surprisingly cool, Flash is hilarious, Batman is drunk, the story is coherent, and it's all surprisingly funny. It's not perfect, but really enjoyable!
Full review to come!
— Mike Rougeau (@RogueCheddar) November 10, 2017
Prima di lasciarvi vi proponiamo, di seguito, la trama ed il trailer ufficiale della pellicola in uscita il prossimo 16 novembre.
Alimentato dalla sua rinnovata fiducia nell’umanità e ispirato dal gesto d’altruismo di Superman, Bruce Wayne chiede aiuto alla sua ritrovata alleata Diana Prince, per affrontare un nemico ancora più temibile. Insieme, Batman e Wonder Woman si mettono subito al lavoro per trovare e assemblare una squadra di metaumani pronti a fronteggiare questa nuova minaccia. Ma nonostante la formazione di questa alleanza di eroi senza precedenti – Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg e Flash – potrebbe essere già troppo tardi per salvare il pianeta da un attacco di proporzioni catastrofiche.