Shannen Doherty perde la casa nell’incendio che ha devastato la California

L’incendio divampato in Californi sembra non voler risparmiare proprio nessuno. Dopo aver distrutto il set di Westworld, infatti, la calamità ha colpito l’abitazione privata di Shannen Doherty, attrice nota al grande pubblico per il ruolo di Prue Halliwell nella serie Streghe.

L’attrice, fuori al momento dell’accaduto, una volta rientrata ha voluto immediatamete ringraziare i soccorritori per aver salvato, da morte certa, il suo cane ed il suo cavallo.

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As I boarded the plane back home, I sent an email to my friends watching Bowie and housesitting as a “precaution”. An email I didn’t think would be needed. Upon landing, I realized they had evacuated and gotten themselves and our dogs to safety. I have no idea if we will have a home left standing. It’s looking not likely but I’m so grateful that they people I love are safe and my dogs and horse are safe. I’m grateful for the firefighters putting their lives on the line for all of us. My heart goes out to each and every person who is displaced, who lost their homes, lost a loved one and I pray for us all #malibu #home. Thank you @vadimdardagani and @itsjonathanlooper for taking care of such precious cargo.

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